Saturday, July 27, 2024

There's lovely

That's what my Grandma would say to a handful of hedgerow primroses, or the empty cellophane and foil wrappers from Christmas Quality Street glinting in a bowl.  Over the last couple of weeks some of my favourite blog sites have featured special loveliness too.

See for the summer version of my cliff top walks.  Such beauty.

A week later, Desire to Inspire featured this home for sale - a converted church near the coast, between St Davids and Haverfordwest.  Once this would have been my dream home - a former church  made comfortable for living but maintaining its quiet soul.  brochure 

And to see what's happening in  my life in Wales see .  I am constantly surprised by the parallels in Jackie Morris' life and mine.  Not that I have new knees or art talent but that we walk the same paths and love the same things.  I also need to lose some weight and get my blood sugars under control so I've ordered the Michael Moseley book...

I have never met Jackie Morris.
I saw this notice the day before I was booked to leave St Davids.  If I'd only booked for one day later I could have met her at the Women's Institute!

But it supports my delusion.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post! I checked everything out. Loved the church conversion. How lovely were those tiny vases on the table. Ceilings looked a bit dauntingly low upstairs for me though. I would love to do the cliff top walk - so different to the one I do here - harebells and wild horses, a gentler atmosphere yet a wilder coastline. And certainly no burial chambers. I always click on the Jackie Morris website you have listed and I, too, love her artwork and poetic musings. I'm afraid I could never forsake all sugar though, so I concentrate on lots of walking and having sweet things in small doses. At least the cholesterol level has gone down doing this. Good luck - you have more fortitude than I have so I'm sure I will not recognise the Maggie Mars I next see.
