Sunday, June 20, 2010

Around the city

Mum and I have been taking it easy over the weekend.  We went to a BBQ on Friday night, lunched at Whitesands on Saturday and lunched at the Cathedral today with my Aunt Eirwen and her granddaughter, Catherine (who is also my cousin Cynthia's daughter).  Here's Mum, Aunt Eirwen and Catherine.
Naturally, I had to get into the picture too.
Here's a cuppla photos taken from the City Cross:
The astute observer will notice that these 2 photos should be joined together.  If you go between the 2 white buildings, you'll be on The Pebbles en route to the cathedral.


  1. I feel as though I have been there, though I may be wrong of course.

    Steve oxo

  2. Yes, you have driven around there when you, Rosemary and I were looking for something to eat having arrived in St Davids at 2.30pm. We would have no difficulty finding food these days - lots of lovely places to eat.
    Maggie XXXX

  3. Hey Maggie and Hilda,
    Your photos are so speccy and the weather seems so divine! I hope it really is the trip you were hoping for....certainly seems so! The Welsh member of Monty Python, Terry Jones, has shown quite a bit of St David's and other Welsh regions on his current show on Adel TV about the history of road use and map-making in Wales. I'll find you the details if you're interested. Your poster re the military band features the Royal Corps of Signals, which my Dad was in......St Justinian is whom my Justine is named after and you mention Ramsey as in Ramsey St Klemzig. Will these coincidences never cease! Hope your trip continues absolutely fab.....Gemma and her husband have just returned yesterday from a wonderful tour of Japan! Lots of love, Group Leader XXXXXXXXXXXXX
