Monday, July 19, 2010

And now that we're in England...

When you're staying in the penthouse / belfry / attic of your cousin's house, you are naturally curious about posters such as this on the wall:
So John and Cynthia invited us to watch them ring the bells for a wedding!!!
Here's the church and the steeple,
look inside

and there's the people.
plus Cynthia and John who you saw in the previous post.
The bride was very late so while the vicar and the bell-ringers seethed, I tried to photograph the wedding party through a very ye olde window.
One actually gave up and went for a stroll around the graveyard with a crying flowergirl.
The bride arrived by horse
so she was worth waiting for...


  1. So are you still in England or have you managed to make it to Spain??

  2. Still in England. Now booked to travel to Spain on Monday. Yesterday Luton Airport was closed and evacuated because of fluid leaking from luggage on the tarmac... We'll see what Monday brings.
    Maggie XXXX
